Springers and sticks

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Springers and sticks

Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:33 am

I am a newbie shooter. This past weekend I participated in my first field target match. It was snowing and windy and I did terrible. (6 for 40 with 22 faceplate hits). The guys I was with beat me by a few shots each but they were using sticks with their springers. I thought that was a no no, but today I went out and spent 40 dollars on a pair of sticks. I got home and tried them out. Much to my surprise my tx200 mk3 made a 5 shot dime size bullseye at 20 yds on my first try. Why is using sticks with springers frowned upon? I can’t wait for the next match. I feel like it’s cheating it is so accurate. Just thought I would throw this out there for anyone else thinking about putting your gun on some sticks

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